What do we do?

   - share our communication insights

               with businesses & organisations

I’ve been working as a designer in the branding and graphics field for over 25 years now and my job has been to come up with creative and compelling communications that excite my client’s audiences. To do this, we designers use a bunch of techniques and approaches that allow us to create ideas and solutions that often have our clients saying "Wow, that's amazing!... how do you come up with this stuff?".

Many believe it’s some kind of magic process that only the chosen and initiated can access. This may be true for some aspects of creativity but I believe that non-designers can learn, practice and master many of these techniques and approaches, then use them to enhance and energise their own organisations.

So with that in mind I've started to put together a series of ‘insights’ under 'The BDI Studio' banner to share with people and lessen the mystique associated with ideas and creativity!

We have two insight subjects so far...

The leading one is based on ‘design thinking'


The other is how to breath life back into PowerPoint Presentations...